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In the 1890s, Emil von Behring then other researchers revolutionized the world of medicine by demonstrating that animals resistant to diphteria and tetanus produced substances of unknown nature which protected them against this infection. These substances are identified as being specific proteins, which were to play a key role in the fight against diseases. This discovery therefore represents an application of what nature has been doing for million of years: proteins of maternal origin cross the placenta to protect the foetus, the mother's milk delivers the proteins required by the new-born baby to fight infections.

Since 1930, several famous researchers established an original method of treatment based on the selective application of these types of cell-specific proteins. This therapy is based on the stimulation of the natural capacities of the organism which results in the stop of a negative evolution and the return to optimal functions. The efficacy of these highly cell-specific proteins, shown by many studies in the animal and by man, is durable for a long term.

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